Water damage

Water damage

With more than 35 years of experience, we offer you our know-how in disaster cleaning. Suffering a disaster is already a difficult ordeal, let us help you for the rest!

Following a claim, your first reflex is to contact your insurance company and discuss with them the terms of reimbursement and the services you will need. Disaster cleaning is often included in insurance contracts. Our qualified experts will be able to advise you and guarantee you a quick and effective intervention on the North Shore, South Shore, from Laval to Montreal.

The most important factor in this type of situation is the speed of intervention: the earlier you contact us, the more effective our intervention will be. We are available 24 hours a day to accompany you and intervene immediately in case of emergency.

Whether you are experiencing a disaster caused by water, oil, fire, smell, mold, vandalism or smoke, we have the experience, experts and equipment to resolve your damages. Regardless of the extent of the disaster, we make every effort to minimize the damage of the disaster. At the end of our intervention, we proceed to the decontamination of the structures, the neutralization of odors and the sanitation of the air.

We intervene in case of...

When water damage occurs, whether it is a water leak or a flood, our intervention follows a well-established procedure that guarantees the best results: We first proceed to the suction of water, the drying of the building and the dehumidification. In a second step, we restore your equipment by cleaning it by cryogenics. We also clean your carpets and upholstered furniture. We then carry out a complete analysis of the affected area: we assess the level of moisture absorbed and apply the necessary actions to avoid the appearance of mold and fungus. Our treatment takes into account the duration of exposure of your home to water. We use state-of-the-art equipment during our interventions, such as thermographic cameras that allow us to immediately detect places where water is present.

Regardless of the extent of the disaster caused by the fire, we rehabilitate your home or your commercial and industrial construction. In particular, we clean the soot deposited on the walls, as well as the rooms affected by the fires. We use hydroxyl to replace ozone for the same efficiency but which, unlike, is not harmful and does not require the evacuation of occupants.

We carry out microbial decontamination of your home, cleaning mold, eliminating sources of moisture and analyzing the air quality at the end of our intervention.

For more information, see: Mold

Whatever part of your home or commercial or industrial premises has been affected, we offer a whole cleaning and high-pressure washing service, including graffiti removal. If your home has been damaged, we make every effort to repair and restore your belongings.